Abstract submission: until June 6th at 23:59, 2016

Notification of abstracts acceptance: from May 15th, 2016

Early registration: until June 25th, 2016

Full paper submission: until June 15th, 2016


Chair of HSCI 2016


Manuel Filipe Costa, University of Minho, Portugal


Vice-Chair of HSCI 2016


Josef Trna, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic


International Advisory Board


Abhay Kothari (India) 
Alex Kazachkov (Ukraine)
Alicia Fernandez Oliveras (Spain) 
Amit Garg (India)
Ann Torsted (Danmark) 
António Carlos Pavão (Brazil)
António Fernando Ribeiro (Portugal)
Armando Dias Tavares Jr. (Brazil)
Clementina Timus (Romania)
George Kalkanis (Greece)
Elsa Fernandes (Portugal) 
Erik Johansson (Sweden) 
Eva Trnova (Czech Republic)
Francisco Sousa (Portugal) 
Helena Tomás (Portugal)
Horst Bannwarth (Germany)
Iryna Berezovska, (Ukraine) 
Jesus Blanco (Spain)
Jose Benito Vazquez-Dorrio (Spain)
José Manuel Baptista (Portugal) 
José Figueiredo (Portugal)
Joseph Trna (Czech Republic)
Liu Xu (China)
Lucian Vladescu (Romania)
Madalena Lira (Portugal)
Manuel Filipe Costa (Portugal)
Maria Dulce Geraldo (Portugal)
Maria Inês Nogueira (Brazil)
Maria de Jesus Gomes (Portugal)
Maria Teresa Malheiro (Portugal)
Marian Kires (Slovakia)
Maxim Tomilin (Russia)
Mikiya Muramatsu, (Brasil) 
Mourad Zghal (Tunisia)
Mustafa Erol (Turkey)
Nilgün Erentay (Turkey) 
Panagiotis Michaelides (Greece)
Paulo Idalino Balça Varela (Portugal)
Pedro Pombo (Portugal)
Radu Chisleag (Romania) 
Roger Ferlet (France)
Samar Darwish Kirresh (Palestine) 
Sonia Seixas (Portugal)
Stephen M. Pompea (USA)
Sue Dale Tunnicliffe (UK)
Suzanne Gatt (Malta)
Teresa Kennedy (USA)
Toyohiko Yatagai (Japan) 
Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan (Canada)
Walburga Bannwarth-Pabst (Germany)
Zuzana Ješková (Slovakia)



Local Organizing Committee


Eva Trnová
Josef Trna
Petr Sládek
Tomáš Miléř
Jana Jáchymiáková
Naděžda Kopecká
Silvie Červenková
Monika Šindelková
Kateřina Šmejkalová
Kateřina Gažová
Kateřina Ševčíková
Iva Frýzová
Jan Válek
Petr Novák

HSCI2016 is over.

Registrations Closed.


Conference Fee


Date Regular Accompanying person
Until June 25 230€


(included all meals + social program + tour)



(included only full day conference tour)

After June 25 330€


(included all meals + social program + tour)



(included only full day conference tour)


Registration includes access to all sessions and conference activities, proceedings and materials, welcome reception/dinner, lunch Tuesday to Friday, coffee breaks, full day conference tour w/lunch (July 20).

Conference dinner: 25 €



Conference fee payment system:

  1. We only accept payments by bank transfer (no use of credit cards)
  2. All payment details are inside the system (bank transfer data, printing of receipt, checking the payment procedure)
  3. System is based on the Shopping Centre of Masaryk University (shopping cart etc.)
  4. Go to: https://is.muni.cz/obchod/fakulta/ped/konf/HSCI2016/?lang=en
  5. If you are having difficulties paying the fee through the automated system you may pay the fee in cash (cash only in Czech currency) when arriving at the conference in Brno. If you prefer this option please email us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) your name and type of registration by June 25 in order to be entitled to the reduced fee (after June 25 fees increases 100€)


Abstract and Full Paper submissions are now closed.


When submitting a contribution on one of the categories (oral, poster, demonstrations, workshops, discussion groups, science fair and scientific performance), we expect an abstract no longer than three pages and with a minimum of hundred words that clearly describes the contribution and its content. Please submit your abstract (Word file) as early as possible and formatted according to the instructions provided in the document below.

The submission of full papers (between three and twelve pages long) is not mandatory but it's welcome before deadline (June 15th) in order to allow the printing and distribution of the proceedings book at the conference at the registration desk.


Download HSCI2016_abstract_instructions
Download HSCI2016_full paper instructions





The 13th annual international conference on Hands-on Science, HSCI2016, will be held in Brno, at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University, Czech Republic, from July 18th to 22th 2016. The HSci2016 conference “Hands-on- the Heart of Science Education” is organized under the patronage of the Mayor of the City of Brno, Petr Vokřál and with financial support by the City of Brno. This year the main moto of the conference is:


Hands-on – the Heart of Science Education


The Conference will provide the ideal opportunity for presentation of work and in the widest range of perspectives related to Science Education. The Hands-on Science Network is open to all views and approaches on Science Education. However, we advocate an active learning of Sciences through an enlarged use of hands-on experiments in the classroom. The aim of the Conference is to promote friendly and broad exchange of experiences on good practices, syllabus and policy matters, social factors and the learning of science, and other issues related to Science Education and its development.

Proposals are invited for oral or poster presentations, workshops and group discussions, hands-on experiments demonstration sessions, Science Fair booths and exhibitions or science shows/performances.


Conference topics


The HSCI’2016 Conference will cover the largest variety of topics relevant to Science Education and all fields of Science and Technology: Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology, Life Sciences, Geology, Zoology, Botanic, Ecology, Archaeology, Astrophysics, Mathematics, Robotics, Computer Science, Sociology, Psychology, Health Sciences, etc.


Main topics


  • Science education. New challenges, new perspectives, innovative solutions
  • The role of Science in School’ education
  • The need for and effective learning of Science and Technology
  • Hands-on Science. Teaching and learning
  • IBSE (Inquiry Based Science Education)
  • Integrated and interdisciplinary approaches in Science Education
  • Hands-on active learning of Science
  • Developing basic investigative skills and the scientific method
  • Teaching and training language and communication skills, maths and reasoning based on Science & Technology issues
  • Science and Society
  • Perceptions of Science: students, school, society
  • Linking students’ life to Science or “where S&T meets our everyday life”
  • Communicating S&T research
  • Scientific literacy
  • The access of women to science
  • Life-long learning of science
  • Science, citizenship, ethics and social responsibility
  • Science and development. Constraints and perspectives
  • Introducing Science at kindergarten
  • Science education in primary schools
  • How is Science learned in secondary schools?
  • Science education and technical/vocational studies
  • Science fairs and festivals. For motivation and much more…
  • Science Museums and in-school science education. Bridging formal and informal learning of science
  • The Information Society and Science education
  • School’ Science education and scientific research
  • Environment and sustainable development
  • Hands-on experiments
  • Reports on in-classroom hands-on experiences
  • Support material for in-school hands-on experiments
  • Computer simulations as complement and inducer of hands-on experiments
  • Multimedia ICT and virtual tools for school’s science education
  • Technologies and Science
  • Science and art
  • Collaboration projects and positive cooperation experiences in school’s science education


HSCI Network


The Hands-on Science Network (www.hsci.info) is a non-profit international association legally registered in Portugal (NIPC 508050561) and with worldwide intervention.

It was established based on the homonymous project supported by the European Commission (Socrates/Comenius 3 project 110157-CP-1-2003-1-PT-COMENIUS-C3) under the coordination of Prof. Manuel Filipe P. C. M. Costa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) at the Physics Department of the University of Minho, enrolling initially partners from 10 European countries.

The Hands-on Science Network, stands for promoting the development of science education and scientific literacy in our societies. HSCI embraces a wide membership of teachers and educators in all school levels from pre-school to adult education but also in informal contexts, managers and policy makers, academicians and researchers in virtually all fields of Science, from a large number of countries of the 5 continents. In an open-minded tolerant and friendly atmosphere we support each other’s and join our experiences and efforts towards a better improved and generalized Science Education. With an open and wide understanding of the importance of Science Education and of the ways to effectively implement it as a crucial factor to the sustainable development of our societies and of human kind, we encourage the use of innovative hands-on experimental approaches to science, technology and environment in-school teaching and learning. As well in raising the profile and attractiveness of Science in Education, we also aim to increase the desirability of a career in Science for all.


HSCI: History


18 - 22 July
13th International Conference:
Hands-on – the Heart of Science Education
Brno, Czech Republic
27 - 30 July
12th International Conference:
Brightening our future
Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal
21 - 25 July
11th International Conference:
Science Education with and for Society
Aveiro, Portugal
1 - 5 July
10th International Conference:
Educating for Science and through Science
Kosice, Slovakia
17 - 21 October
9th International Conference: 
Science Education, Environment and Society; 
Reconnecting Society with Nature through Hands-on Science
Antalya, Turkey
15 - 17 September
8th International Conference: 
Focus on Multimedia

Ljbljana, Slovenia

25 - 30 July
7th International Conference:
Bridging the Science and Society Gap
Rethimno, Crete, Greece
27 - 31 October
6th International Conference:
Science for all: Quest for Excellence
Ahmedabad, India
13 - 17 October
5th International Conference:
Formal and Informal Science Education
Olinda/Recife, Brasil
23 - 27 July
4th International Conference
Development, Diversity and Inclusion in Science Education
Azores, Portugal
4 - 9 September
3rd International Conference
Science Education and Sustainable Development
Braga, Portugal
13 - 16 July
2nd International Conference:
Science in a Changing Education
Crete, Greece
5-8 July
1st International Conference
Teaching and Learning Science in the XXI Century
Ljubljana, Slovenia